
I am passionate about People, Sports & Photography. The culmination of these elements play a huge part of my life and what I create. I've been shooting for 6+ years, and can be found at different venues over the bay area. I've been lucky enough to shoot at every level from youth to high school to college & pro! Outside of sports.. I shoot anything from newborns, to kids.. family portraits, HS senior portraits & events.

I look forward to providing you great images & services. Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions, concerns or the need for photography services.

29278 photos
Visitors 4492

Guestbook for 47photography by kym
Rokesha Miller(non-registered)
YOU CREATE ART/MAGIC! You see things that no one can imagine are there. Your vision is unmatched. Although you listed that you've been taking photographs for 6+ years, you've been taking photos of my family for almost 13. I trust your eye and your find the gem every time. You can make my photos public as far as I'm concerned. Let the world see the beauty you create.
Stacy Robles
Thank You for the great shots at the Mike Johnson Academy, also want to thank you for notifying us of it!!
Liza & Lenard Barries(non-registered)
So awesome, Kym...you do such a great job, as always!
gary & stacy robles(non-registered)
awesome shots!
Donna Lacanlale(non-registered)
Great pics Kym as usual!!
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